I’ll explain 130+ knitting terms in a way that’s easy to understand. Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate knitter, I’m sure you’ll find this information useful! Let’s start.
I reviewed, fact checked and updated this post on May 28, 2023.
Knitting Abbreviations Table
Abbreviation | What It Means |
alt | Alternate/alternating. |
approx. | Approximately. |
beg | Beginning. |
bet | Between. |
BO | Bind off. |
byo | Backward yarn over. |
C4B | Slip the next two stitches onto the cable needle and leave them at the back. Knit two, then knit two from the cable needle. |
C4F | Slip the next two stitches onto the cable needle and leave them at the front. Knit two, then knit two from the cable needle. |
CA | Color a. |
CB | Color b. |
CC | Contrasting color. |
cdd | Centered double decrease. |
ch | Chain. |
cl | Cross left. |
cm | Centimeter. |
cn | Cable needed. |
CO | Cast on/cast off. |
Cont | Continue. |
Cross 2 L | Cross two stitches to the left. |
Cross 2 R | Cross two stitches to the right. |
Dec | Decrease. |
DPNs | Double-pointed knitting needles. |
DK | Double knitting weight yarn. |
DTR | Double treble. |
EON | End of the needle. |
EOR | End of the row. |
FC | Front cross. |
FL | Front loop. |
Foll | Follow. |
g | Grams. |
grp | Group. |
g st | Garter stitch. |
Inc | Increase. |
K | Knit stitch. |
k1B | Knit into the stitch one row below. |
K1tbl | Knit the next stitch through the back of the loop. |
K2tog | Knit two together. |
K2togtbl | Knit two together through back loops. |
kfb | Knit into the front and back of a stitch. |
kll | Knit through the left loop. |
krl | Knit through the right loop. |
ksp | Knit one, then slip back to the left hand needle. |
kwise | Knit-wise. |
LC | Left cross. |
LH | Left hand. |
LP | Loop. |
LT | Left twist. |
m | Meter/marker. |
M1 | Make one stitch. |
M1A | Make one stitch away. |
M1K | Make one stitch knitwise. |
M1l | Make one left stitch. |
M1lp | Make one left stitch purlwise. |
M1P | Make one stitch purlwise. |
M1R | Make one right stitch. |
M1rp | Make one right stitch purlwise. |
M1T | Make one stitch towards. |
Maintain | Maintain the center block of the pattern. |
MB | Make a bobble. |
MC | Main color. |
mm | Millimeter. |
No | Number. |
Oz | Ounce. |
p | Purl stitch. |
P1 tbl | Purl one through the back loop. |
p2sso | Pass two slipped stitches over. |
p2tog | Purl two stitches together. |
p2togtbl | Purl two stitches together through back loops. |
patt | Pattern. |
pfb | Purl one into the front and back of stitch. |
pm | Place marker. |
pnso | Pass the next stitch over. |
prev | Previous |
psso | Pass slipped stitches over. |
pwise | Purlwise. |
Rem | Remaining. |
Rep | Repeat. |
Rev st st | Reverse stockinette stitch. |
RH | Right hand. |
Rnd | Round/s |
RS | Right side. |
S2KP2 | Slip two stitches as if to knit them together, knit one, pass two slipped stitches over knit stitch |
Skip | Slip one, knit two together, pass slipped stitch over. |
SKP | Slip one knitwise, knit one, pass slip stitch over knit stitch. |
sl | Slip. |
sl st | Slip stitch. |
Sl1 | Slip next stitch knitwise. |
Sl1k | Slip one knitwise. |
Sl1p | Slip one purlwise. |
sm | Slip marker. |
ssk | Slip next two stitches knitwise one at a time, then knit them through back loops together. |
ssp | Slip, slip, purl. |
SSPP2 | Slip two stitches knitwise then slip them as if to purl two together through back loops. Purl one, pass two slipped stitches over purl stitch. |
sssk | Slip three stitches knitwise, knit these three stitches together through back loops. |
sssp | Slip three stitches knitwise, return these three stitches to left needle and purl these three stitches together through back loops. |
st | Stitch. |
st st | Stockinette stitch. |
tbl | Through the back loop. |
tfl | Through the front loop. |
tog | Together. |
w&t | Wrap and turn. |
Work Even | Continue with no increases or decreases. |
WS | Wrong side. |
wyib | With the yarn in the back. |
wyif | With the yarn in the front. |
yb | Yarn back. |
yd | Yard. |
yf | Yarn front. |
yfwd | Yarn forward. |
yo | Yarn over. |
yo2 | Yarn over twice. |
yon | Yarn over needle. |
yrn | Yarn round needle. |
* | Repeat the instructions following the single asterisk as instructed. |
* | Repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as directed/repeat at specified locations. |
{}/[] | Work the instructions within the brackets as many times as instructed. |
( ) | Work instructions as many times as instructed/work a stitch group in the same space. |
FAQS About Knitting Abbreviations
What Are Knitting Abbreviations?
Knitting abbreviations are codes used in knitting patterns to save space and make the pattern easier to read. They stand for common knitting terms.
How Do You Read Knitting Abbreviations?
Reading knitting abbreviations is simple when you have a chart to guide you! For example, the abbreviation for ‘knit’ is ‘k’, so if you see ‘k2tog’ in a pattern, you knit two stitches together. Similarly, ‘purl’ is written as ‘p’, so if you see ‘p4’ in a pattern, you purl four stitches.
Pin For Later
The good news is that most knitting patterns have a glossary that tells you what the abbreviations are. Knitting abbreviations are confusing, but after some practice, you’ll get the hang of it. Now you know what they mean, start using them to try your next dream knitting project!
Read Next: Treat yourself (or a loved one) to a pair of luxury needles with my guide, or continue your learning of the basics with how to make a slip knot.
I have a pattern that has**** , this goes up tp ( thats row 1)4th row****. then next row is #5. no further instructions. Do I just carry on the fifth row? Brain fog!
Hi Beverly. It’s hard for me to know exactly what you need to do without seeing the pattern. If there are no further instructions I’d assume you continue with Row #5. Cheers Jodie